Thursday, 9 October 2014

Final Project: First Draft

Well would you look at that! I've been so focussed on getting the work done, that I've left all the blogging until the very last minute (about five days, to be precise)! Who'd of thought?

Ok, sarcasm aside, all the work for my MA is 100% done at this point. I just haven't got around to updating the blog until now. So strap yourselves in, kids, 'cause I've got a motherload of blog posts to drop on you.

This first one is the first draft of my final project. It was originally supposed to be a load of characters based on a post-apocalyptic fantasy world, the end result being like a journal or diary describing these fantastical individuals. However, beyond some ideas and prototype designs for various races, monsters and people (none of which were particularly cohesive) I never got very far with it, and after deciding that the project was focussing more on the world than the characters, I quickly scrapped it.

The sketches below show the summation of this version of the project

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