Let's have a look at some examples of good character designs, shall we?
1. The Legend of Zelda
In addition to one of the most iconic characters in gaming history, the Zelda franchise features a plethora of unique and imaginative characters in every new iteration. The series is also noted for utilising a variety of different aesthetic styles, such as Wind Waker's toon-like cel-shading and Skyward Sword's impressionistic world
2. Metal Gear Solid
Promotional artwork for the Zelda 25th Anniversary, showing all the different designs for Link over the years
Image Source: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg-A2wcmK7bTOw-_N1q1iWM4VafUCe35P58HBZGYrP_opZiLTlzEuPMxYgG_d-IunkWNBxOMaO3gICp7pLswo70pqILG9xbs54uS1U5uJMsA4KFCAuV9J934EKVlc15ncfpDSwPIAG0mgY/s1600/Zel25Pro3.JPG
The Metal Gear franchise features a number of memorable characters, with many reflecting realistic military, streamlined futurism or even a mix of the two. Additionally, these designs look even more distinctive through the artwork of Yoji Shinkawa and Ashley Wood
Renders of the cast of Metal Gear Solid 4
Image Source: http://media.officialplaystationmagazine.co.uk/files/2011/12/Metal_gear_solid4_12.jpg
Artwork of Solid Snake and Liquid Snake by Yoji Shinkawa
Image Source: http://www.conceptart.org/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=391356&d=1213483340
Artwork of Solid Snake by Ashley Wood
Image Source: http://tecnoslave.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/metal-gear-solid-ashley-wood-wallpaper.png
3. Assassin's Creed
Despite the fact that they share several aspects of their design, the multiple protagonists of Assassin's Creed each look right at home within the historical settings that they appear. Meanwhile, the many other characters players interact with all feel authentic within their own settings
Altair, Ezio and Connor, the protagonists of the Assassin's Creed franchise
Image Source: http://images5.alphacoders.com/327/327599.jpg
4. Team Fortress 2
Using a combination of a limited yet vibrant colour aesthetic and unique shapes, the eight playable characters of Team Fortress 2 are easily distinguishable from one another, making it easy to identify a particular class' traits from its design alone.
The playable characters in Team Fortress 2
Image Source: http://orange.half-life2.com/images/screens/tf2/TF2_Screen01.jpg
5. Halo
With his distinctive helmet, Master Chief has quickly become one of the most recent gaming icons. The series is also noted for it's contrasting designs between the human and Covenant forces
Halo protagonist Master Chief, with 3 Elites
Image Source: http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20070731213932/halo/images/1/15/One_Spartan_and_Three_Sangheilis.jpg
The Spartan Team from Halo Reach
Image Source: http://www.blogcdn.com/www.joystiq.com/media/2010/09/halo-reach-review-top.jpg
6. Disney/ Pixar
Disney (and their 3D studio Pixar) have both produced so many memorable characters that it is almost impossible to choose one above the others as an example. Each of their creation exudes a charm and personality that few others can create, enabling people of all ages to enjoy them
Assorted Disney characters as they appear in Disney Infinity
Image Source: http://bostonherald.com/sites/default/files/styles/full/public/media/ap/22812d402d2e46dab08fdf849603baa9.jpg?c=fc61e5870566e048210fcd72d21eb32d
7. God of War
Like Master Chief, the brutal white-and-red visage of Kratos has become a recognisable figure within the games industry, while the many characters of the series all look right at home within the mythological Greek world that the games are set, while still reflecting the splendour and brutality of those myths
Official artwork of Kratos from God of War III
Image Source: http://images.wikia.com/godofwar/images/f/f2/Wallpaper_god_of_war_3.jpg
8. Bioshock
Despite the total contrast between their respective games, each of the characters within the two Bioshock games manage to reflect their setting, the time period and the themes presented. The Big Daddys, for instance, display not only the anachronistic deep sea setting, but also a mix of the brutality and gruesome dehumanisation with the tainted innocence and themes of parenthood present within Rapture
Promotional image of a Big Daddy and Little Sister from Bioshock
Image Source: http://www.eliteonlinemag.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/bioshock.jpg
Promotional image of Booker Dewitt and Elizabeth from Bioshock Infinite
Image Source: http://image.gamespotcdn.net/gamespot/images/misc/movies/gsm_169_bioshock_infinite_multi_review_032513_09_640.jpg
And I think I'll leave it there. Just to clarify, these are just a few examples that I personally think have good designs. It isn't all of them, mind; I could name a lot more, but then we'd be here all day. In my next post, I think I'll give a few examples of BAD designs